This is a destination with high ecological and cultural values. Those are values it is important to care for, as well as developing the destination in a sustainable way. We want your children, and your children’s children, to be able to enjoy this destination in the same way you want to enjoy it. This means that we aim to be the leading ecotourism destination in Sweden, and that we work, in a long-term way, towards a tourism that is sustainable and responsible, with methods that are nationally and internationally known and accepted.

Sustainability and sustainable development can be seen from many different perspectives: economical, ecological and social. We try to work with those perspectives in mind to strengthen the area. The municipality and the companies here have a long tradition of working with sustainable development. The municipality of Sorsele has come a long way in areas such as ecological fishing conservation, renewable energy and responsible agriculture.


Ecotourism is responsible tourism – a way to enjoy the surrounding nature and culture, without wearing it out, and on the same time contributing to the well-being of the local people and economy, as well as the preservation of nature and local culture.

Environmentally adapted tourism focuses on minimizing the impact on the environment, while ecotourism includes the economical, ecological, social and cultural development of the destination. Of course, adapting to the environment and minimizing the impact on it is also a big part of ecotourism.


Ecotourism means a lot of things, but one of the central ideas is leaving the smallest mark behind as possible, on nature and culture. The consequence of this is that the activities are adapted to the limitations of the natural and cultural environment on the destination. It’s also about minimizing the environmental impact in all parts of the business, for example using environmentally friendly transports, recycling and reducing waste. There are companies that work with a quality certification, and of course there are companies that are working with ecotourism without a certification.


Read about the destination. It’s easier to be considerate of the local culture and traditions if you know them beforehand. Ask for tips on literature!

Make an active choice. Make contact with a Nature’s Best certified company or ask the companies you wish to visit how they work with sustainability.

Ask for help. If you wonder about local rules or recommendations around protected areas, how to handle waste or anything else, ask!

Shop locally. When you shop groceries or arts & crafts locally, you contribute to the local economy, the destination and the people who live here.

Rent and borrow equipment. Perhaps you think you need plenty of equipment or special clothes to visit here? Don’t!  There’s a good chance you can borrow or rent clothes and equipment, if you need it. Check with your guide!

Nature’s Best certification

Nature’s Best is the quality label of the Swedish Ecotourism Association and Visit Sweden. It was designed to make sure that visitors enjoy a high-quality nature experience. The certification demands that the arrangers meet a number of criteria, like minimizing environmental impact, contributing to the conservation of nature and culture, contributing to the local economy and using environmentally friendly methods. In practice, that involves mapping and analysing the area in which the operators work, buying locally and using environmentally friendly methods and contributing to the conversation of the natural and cultural environment practically or financially.


Västerbotten Experience (VX) is a seal found at companies around Västerbotten county, for companies working together for more sustainable nature- and culture experiences in the county. The companies that are honered the seal wants to be rolemodels in environmental concerns, working for smart climate solutions and local consideration.