Horses. We love them! They can go almost anywhere and they’re a great companion on your outdoor adventure. The Icelandic horse has a special ability to adapt to difficult terrains and is the go to-horse for our activity companies working with guided riding tours in the mountains!
Either you could ride in the lowland forests, surrounded by small lakes, mires and streams. Or you could go riding in the mountains, experiencing the grand Vindelfjällen nature reserve and the dramatic landscapes. Both of the companies working in Ammarnäs and the nature reserve are certified Nature’s Best for their sustainable riding tours!

Aha Lodge
Offers relaxation – take a riding tour in the forest, or combine your riding with canoeing, fishing, foraging or just relaxing. Aha Lodge is located in the beautiful village Aha just outside Sorsele.

Ammarnäsfjällens Islandshästar
Riding in the mountains – from shorter half-day tours to multi-day tours riding in the mountains. Why not take the herb tour, learning about the medicinal herbs in the mountains?

Focuses on longer multi-day riding expeditions discovering the mountain landscapes. Has a long experience of guiding riding tours in the Vindelfjällen nature reserve.